Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Toddler Bedding

We having been tossing the idea around that Matthew might be ready to make the move to a toddler bed.  Since we had the bed, why not give it a try?  Matthew did take a nap in a toddler bed once while visiting my parents a couple months ago.  I also have been anxious to decorate more of a "boy" themed room, since our nursery is painted in a pale yellow (we never knew what gender baby we would have), and a has a cutesy lamb theme.  Perfectly gender neutral for a baby, but now that he is over 2 it is time for more big boy decor.  I was at Target yesterday and scored big time on some toddler bedding.  I really didn't want to spend much since he would only be using it for a year or more.  I spotted some cute sports themed toddler "bedding in a bag" for $22!  Included in the bag is a comforter, fitted sheet, flat sheet, and pillowcase.  Then I saw a fun rug that would match, that was on sale for $20 off it's original price.  In fact, all their kid/toddler stuff is on sale right now.  My how I love finding the deals!  I am still "up in the air" if I will paint his room soon or not.  The yellow doesn't go, but it doesn't look horrible either, and if I do paint the room, then the "nursery" would be gone...sniff, sniff...(But that's a whole other post, on if we plan to have another baby or not...we are leaving that in God's hands right now...) We do have a third bedroom, but I really want to keep it a "guest room" as long as possible.  Then there is the closet situation in our house, but I digress, and this post is suppose to be about cute toddler bedding! 

Here is Matthew super excited about seeing his "new" bed!

Matthew is enjoying playing in his bed...

Chris is saying Matthew's night time prayers, and he looks all fine and snuggled in for the night...

As I was leaving the room, saying goodnight, all looks good...(Love the padding for the inevitable "thunk" in the middle of the night?)

But what is this???
Here is Matthew's room this morning...the crib went right back into his room last night after we tried for a good while to console a wildly upset 2 year old, who wasn't quite sure about all the "newness" of the bed and everything.  No sooner than a minute after I shut the door after saying good night, we hear him start to cry, and bang on the bedroom door wanting to come out.   Oh well, we shall try again soon, and I know he'll do fine.  It might just take a day or so of adjusting.  Parenting is never dull.


Laura said...

I remember my youngest would get out of her bed and climb back into her crib when we were transitioning her. I think all my kids were closer to three when we moved them.
Very cute bedding!

Elaine said...

We had to move Sam at about 17 months, the little stinker. On night one we made sure he was super, ridiculously tired. He was so happy he didn't really care & slept happily all through the night. He got freaked out in the morning though because he didn't know if he could/should get out of the bed. I'd say it took 3 days/nights for him to fully adjust. They're such creatures of habit!! Just hang on to that cute bedding & give it a try again when he's a bit older!