Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Avalanche Ranch VBS

Matthew was able to go to his first ever VBS (Vacation Bible School) this past week at our church.  He LOVED it.  He was so excited to go to "cowboy church" every evening.  On Friday evening they had a Bonanza Ice Cream Social for the whole family and the kids sang for us the songs they learned that week. You would think my little social/life of the party boy would want to go up on stage and join his friends, but oh no, he had a terrible fit even when I went up with him.  The cute stinker did sing back in our row, and I got a couple cute videos of him doing the motions to the songs...:)

Matthew love the saddle as you came in the door...

Yep, this was Matthew at the beginning of the program...

The kids singing up front...

Here are a couple cute videos of Matthew singing/doing the motions to the songs...

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